Join Willy on his second adventure with his friends in Hong Kong, but this time venturing into the beautiful country parks.
A story featuring Aiya, the Asian Koel, Wendy, the beautiful Wagtail, and Herbert, the star of the show, the ballet dancing Wild Boar!
After tacking the problem of marine pollution in The Green Dragon, Willy and some new friends raise awareness of human habits that must change to protect the country parks.
With illustrations of insects, reptiles, birds and other animals hidden among the pages, the 'Creature Feature' adds another element to the story to encourage children to get outside and enjoy nature responsibly.

Book Reviews

Eligio Ma, WWF
“Suzanne’s new Green Dragon book is about the importance to keep our country parks clean and healthy. The consequence will be unimaginable if we do not protect them.
This new Green Dragon book resonates with me deeply by citing areas in Hong Kong which I am familiar with. I fall into the story right away when I read those locations. Suzanne brought in some new friends of Willy this time and my favorite one is the piggy who like to eat. He is a cute character and there is so much to learn from his experience in the country park. One of my favorite parts of the book is that Suzanne will have a call to action session at the end of her book, just like the first Green Dragon book but this time focus on how to protect our country park.
At the same time, the illustration is so fantastic that I can just look at the graphics and get mesmerised. The color usage of the illustrations are very harmonized which make my eyes feel good! For sure, kids will be attracted by the graphics and color very much.
This new book is perfect for kids to learn more about the importance to protect our country parks. The wording is simple and very easy to understand. I will recommend this book to any of the kids age 5 or above and I will rate this book 4.5 out of 5.”
Dana Winograd, Plastic Free Seas
Suzanne's second wonderfully written and illustrated book takes us on a joyful journey with a bird's eye view of the glorious nature to be found in Hong Kong. We also learn that although our convenient lifestyles create an unfortunate mess that affects our animal friends in a bad way, there is something we can do about it.
Daniel, 9 years old
My favourite part of the book is the presentation of the different characters, especially Herbert the wild boar.
I enjoyed reading it because it is entertaining but I felt a bit upset about the problems the animals are facing in Hong Kong. I will recommend the book to my friends in Hong Kong and abroad. I liked this book better than the "The Green Dragon" book because it is more exciting, it is funnier and there is a more detailed description of the characters.
Ana, 6 years old
I did like the book. My favorite part of the book is all of it! And my favourite character is (the second bird) because it is very beautiful.