The Green Dragon
Book Writing Competition 2022
Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all who entered
And the winners are....
Sunny's Mission - by Elia Kwan, age 7
Marky and Florence Saving the Environment and Animals - by Renee Yu, age 8
Laura Santos and the Spix MacCaws - Ada Mae Lacy, age 9
Willy The Green Dragon and food pollution - by Vivian Xu Qixin, age 10
1) The opportunity to read your story book to family and friends in Rebooked in Central
2) Book vouchers for Rebooked to the value of $200
3) A signed copy of Suzanne's new book 'The Green Dragon and the Rumbly Island'
4) The opportunity to join the next focus group for 'The Green Dragon' book series...... be a part of the publishing process!
A Song for Willy - a Music competition 2021
Announcing the winners ....
Encouraging children to use their talents to make an impact or to make change is key. Everyone has a strength... what is yours? Writing a story, poetry, painting or drawing?
These talented young people are using music to spread a message.
Below are two of our fabulous winning songs. Congratulations Shreya and Matthew! Wow what talented children!
By submitting an entry the contestant agrees to the use of the entry being used for social media purposes. By entering this contest and sending your story the Participant understands and agrees that Draco Viridi Ltd and/or anyone acting on behalf of Draco Viridi Ltd has the right, where permitted by law, to use the content and personal information for any promotional purposes without limitation and without any further compensation, notice, review, or consent.